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CSL Projects

CSL (Computer Systems Lab) offers projects under several project courses: Project in Concurrent and Distributed Systems (236371), Project in Operating Systems and the advanced operating systems course, which includes a project. Other CSL members may offer additional projects.

This is a partial listing of currently offered projects. These projects can be taken as one of the following options:

Registration is manual and requires an interview with the respective contact point for respective project, as listed below.

The projects are done in groups of 1-2 students by default. Some projects contain many unrelated sub-projects (e.g. projects 2, 3) and peroject 23 contains several realted projects for several groups.

All of the RaaS projects are based on the RaaS paper. Some of them require the Ginseng paper as well. Please read them prior to the interview, focusing on parts that are relevant to your project of interest.

and Shunit Agmon
Project Number Name Advisors Prerequisites Comments or Links
2 Resource Tradeoff in a Resource-as-a-Service (RaaS) cloud Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda Operating systems, python still open
5 Cloud Computing meets Game Theory: a smarter RaaS guest agent Orna Agmon Ben-YehudaOperating systems, artificial inteligence, python Alex; Yarden, Amit, and Sharon; Open for a new group
6 Resource Tradeoff for Cryptanalytic Algorithms in a Resource-as-a-Service (RaaS) cloud Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda and Orr Dunkelman Operating systems, Advantage: Modern Cryptology or Computer Security courses Lior, Shai and Gil, Shai and Eli, Yuval, Yehonatan, Still Open!
25 OpenTTD: enhance the massive multiplayer game Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda Game theory, Being a gamer
26 Resource Tradeoff in a RaaS cloud - step by step: a subproject of project#2, which creates multiple performance steps. Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda Operating systems, virtualization, python
27 OpenTTD: the AI agent for the multiplayer game will bid in a second price auction Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda Game theory, Artificial intelligence, Being a gamer
Contact ladypine at cs regarding this website.