Shaul Markovitch

A faculty member in the Computer Science department , at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology .
Mail address: Computer Science Department, Technion, Technion city, Haifa 32000 , Israel.
Phones: Work: +972-4-8294346 ; Fax: +972-4-8221128 ;
Email:; Home page:;
Research areas: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence.
Research topics: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Semantics, Feature Generation, Speedup Learning, Anytime Learning, Active Learning, Selective Learning, Information retrieval, Multi-agent Systems, Adversary search, Opponent Modeling, Search, Resource-bounded reasoning, Anytime Learning, Cost-sensitive Learning.
Publications: a list of publications, most available online.
Presentations: A presentation about Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA) [Presented in 2016 here ]