I am working as a lab engineer in the Technion Data and Knowledge laboratory (TD&K). I also teach in the Technion, and in the Open University of Israel. I received my PhD in Computer Science from the Technion. My supervisor was Prof. Shmuel Katz. I did my postdoc in the Open University of Israel, hosted by Prof. David H. Lorenz. There, we conduct research in the field of aspect-oriented programming (AOP), focusing on domain-specific aspect languages (DSALs).
My email: oren.mishali at gmail.com
Major Research Interests
- Semantic Web, RDF Linked Data, Digital Humanities, Text Analysis, Machine learning
- Software engineering, Agile software development, Extreme Programming
- Towards Linked Data Of Bible Quotations In Jewish Texts, DH'18 [pdf]
- eLinda: Explorer for Linked Data, EDBT'18 [pdf]
- A Debug Interface for Debugging Multiple Domain Specific Aspect Languages, AOSD'12 [pdf]
- SPECTACKLE : Toward a Specification-Based DSAL Composition Process, DSAL'12 [pdf]
- Toward Debugging Programs Written in Multiple Domain Specific Aspect Languages, DSAL'11 [pdf]
- Using Aspects to Support the Software Process, PhD thesis, 2010 [pdf]
- The HighspectJ Framework, ACP4IS'09 [pdf]
- Towards IDE Support for Abstract Thinking, ROA'08 [pdf]
- The TDD-Guide Training and Guidance Tool for Test-Driven Development, XP'08 [pdf]
- Using Aspects to Support the Software Process: XP over Eclipse, AOSD'06 [pdf]