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N. Sarnak and R. Tarjan,
Planar point location using persistent search trees,
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Decompositional searching problems I: static to dynamic
J. Algorithms 1 (1980) 301-358.
Eppstein, Galil, Italiano and Nisssenzweig,
Sparsification --
A technique for speeding up dynamic graph algorithms
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W. Pugh,
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Rajeev Motwani and Prabhakar Raghavan
Randomized Algorithms,
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K. Mulmuley,
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Eisenbarth, Ziviani, Gonnet, Mehlhorn, D Wood,
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Fredman, M. and Dan Willard,
BLASTING through the information theoretic barrier with
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also, JCSS 47, (1993), 424--436.
Some useful pointers
Ming Li's course at Waterloo