Biologically Motivated Vision And Navigation
- Hector Rotstein and Ehud Rivlin.
Optimal servoing for active foveated vision.
In CVPR, 177-182, 1996[pdf][abstract]
- Ishay Kamon and Ehud Rivlin.
Sensory-Based Motion Planning with Global Proofs.
RA, 13(6):814-822, 1997[pdf][abstract]
- Ehud Rivlin, Hector Rotstein, and Yehoshua Y. Zeevi.
Two-mode control: an oculomotor-based approach to tracking systems.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 43(6):833--842, 1998[pdf][abstract]
- Samir Khuller, Ehud Rivlin, and Azriel Rosenfeld.
Graphbots: cooperative motion planning in discrete spaces.
Man and Cybernetics Systems, 28(1):29--38, 1998[pdf][abstract]
- Ishay Kamon, Elon Rimon, and Ehud Rivlin.
Tangentbug: A Range-Sensor-Based Navigation Algorithm.
The International Journal of Robotics Research, 17(9):934-953, 1998[pdf][abstract]
- Ishay Kamon, Ehud Rivlin, and Elon Rimon.
Range-Sensor-Based Navigation in Three-Dimensional Polyhedral Environments.
The International Journal of Robotics Research, 20(1):6-25, 2001[pdf][abstract]
- Igor Katsman, Ehud Rivlin, and Gadi Katzir.
Visually Guided Behavior in the Praying Mantis: Target Interception and Response to Looming.
In The 7th Intl. Congress of Neuroethology, 2004[abstract]
- Alfred M. Bruckstein, Robert J. Holt, Igor Katsman, and Ehud Rivlin.
Head Movements for Depth Perception: Praying Mantis versus Pigeon.
Auton. Robots, 18(1):21-42, 2005[pdf][abstract]
Active Vision
- Hector Rotstein and Ehud Rivlin.
Optimal servoing for active foveated vision.
In CVPR, 177-182, 1996[pdf][abstract]
- Hector Rotstein and Ehud Rivlin.
Control of a camera for active vision: foveated vision, smoothtracking and saccade.
In IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 691--696, 1996[pdf][abstract]
- Jeffrey A. Fayman, Ehud Rivlin, and Daniel Mosse.
FT-AVS: A Fault Tolerant Architecture for Real Time Active Vision.
RealTimeImg, 4(2):143-157, 1998[pdf][abstract]
- Ehud Rivlin, Hector Rotstein, and Yehoshua Y. Zeevi.
Two-mode control: an oculomotor-based approach to tracking systems.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 43(6):833--842, 1998[pdf][abstract]
- Ehud Rivlin, Hector Rotstein, and Boris Tsypin.
Control aspects of foveated vision: the tradeoff between precisionand survival.
In Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3:3245--3250, 1998[pdf][abstract]
- Jeffrey A. Fayman, Paolo Pirjanian, Henrik I. Christensen, and Ehud Rivlin.
Exploiting process integration and composition in the context of active vision.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C, 29(1):73-86, 1999[pdf][abstract]
- Amit Adam, Ehud Rivlin, and Hector Rotstein.
Fusion of Fixation and Odometry for Vehicle Navigation.
SMC-A, 29(6):593, 1999[pdf][abstract]
- Ehud Rivlin and Hector Rotstein.
Control of a Camera for Active Vision: Foveal Vision, Smooth Tracking and Saccade.
International Journal of Computer Vision, 39(2):81-96, 2000[pdf][abstract]
- Jeffrey A. Fayman, Oded Sudarsky, Ehud Rivlin, and Michael Rudzsky.
Zoom tracking and its applications.
Mach. Vis. Appl., 13(1):25-37, 2001[pdf][abstract]
- Alfred M. Bruckstein, Robert J. Holt, Igor Katsman, and Ehud Rivlin.
Head Movements for Depth Perception: Praying Mantis versus Pigeon.
Auton. Robots, 18(1):21-42, 2005[pdf][abstract]
- Didi Sazbon, Zeev Zalevsky, and Ehud Rivlin.
Qualitative real-time range extraction for preplanned scene partitioning using laser beam coding.
Pattern Recognition Letters, 26(11):1772-1781, 2005[pdf][abstract]