Global Curvature Analysis And Segmentation of Volumetric Data Sets Using Trivariate B-spline Functions
Global Curvature Analysis and Segmentation of Volumetric Data Sets Using Trivariate B-spline Functions.
In GMP, 217-226, 2004
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This paper presents a scheme to globally compute, bound, and analyze the Gaussian and mean curvatures of an entire volumetric data set, using a trivariate B-spline volumetric representation. The proposed scheme is not only precise and insensitive to aliasing, but also provides a method to globally segment the images into volumetric regions that contain convex or concave (elliptic) iso-surfaces, planar or cylindrical (parabolic) iso-surfaces, and volumetric regions with saddle-like (hyperbolic) iso-surfaces, regardless of the value of the iso-surface level. This scheme, which derives a new differential scalar field for a given scalar field, could easily be adapted to other differential properties.
Bibtex Entry
title = {Global Curvature Analysis and Segmentation of Volumetric Data Sets Using Trivariate B-spline Functions.},
author = {Octavian Soldea and Gershon Elber and Ehud Rivlin},
year = {2004},
booktitle = {GMP},
pages = {217-226},
keywords = {Function},
abstract = {This paper presents a scheme to globally compute, bound, and analyze the Gaussian and mean curvatures of an entire volumetric data set, using a trivariate B-spline volumetric representation. The proposed scheme is not only precise and insensitive to aliasing, but also provides a method to globally segment the images into volumetric regions that contain convex or concave (elliptic) iso-surfaces, planar or cylindrical (parabolic) iso-surfaces, and volumetric regions with saddle-like (hyperbolic) iso-surfaces, regardless of the value of the iso-surface level. This scheme, which derives a new differential scalar field for a given scalar field, could easily be adapted to other differential properties.}