- Alexander Kaplan, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
Robust Feature Matching Across Widely Separated Color Images.
In ICPR (2), 136-139, 2004[pdf][abstract]
- Michael Lifshits, Roman Goldenberg, Ehud Rivlin, and Michael Rudzsky.
Using Pattern Recognition for Self-Localization in Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems.
In DAGM-Symposium, 520-527, 2004[pdf][abstract]
- Octavian Soldea, Gershon Elber, and Ehud Rivlin.
Global Curvature Analysis and Segmentation of Volumetric Data Sets Using Trivariate B-spline Functions.
In GMP, 217-226, 2004[pdf][abstract]
- Michael Lifshits, Ilya Blayvas, Roman Goldenberg, Ehud Rivlin, and Michael Rudzsky.
Rehashing for Bayesian Geometric Hashing.
In ICPR (3), 99-102, 2004[pdf][abstract]
- Ronen Lerner, Ehud Rivlin, and Hector Rotstein.
Error Analysis for a Navigation Algorithm Based on Optical-Flow and a Digital Terrain Map.
In CVPR (1), 604-610, 2004[pdf][abstract]
- Ido Leichter, Michael Lindenbaum, and Ehud Rivlin.
A Probabilistic Framework for Combining Tracking Algorithms.
In CVPR (2), 445-451, 2004[pdf][abstract]
- Didi Sazbon, Hector Rotstein, and Ehud Rivlin.
Finding the focus of expansion and estimating range using optical flow images and a matched filter.
Mach. Vis. Appl., 15(4):229-236, 2004[pdf][abstract]
- Ehud Rivlin, Michael Lifshits, Michael Rudzsky, Mike Adel, and Roman Goldenberg.
Image-Based Wafer Navigation.
IEEE Trans. On Semiconductor Manufacturing, 17(3):432-443, 2004[pdf][abstract]
- Grigory Begelman, Eran Gur, Ehud Rivlin, Michael Rudzsky, and Zeev Zalevsky.
Cell nuclei segmentation using fuzzy logic engine.
In ICIP04, V: 2937-2940, 2004[pdf][abstract]
- Ronen Lerner, Ehud Rivlin, and Hector Rotstein.
Pose estimation using feature correspondences and DTM.
In ICIP04, IV: 2603-2606, 2004[pdf][abstract]
- Ido Leichter, Michael Lindenbaum, and Ehud Rivlin.
A probabilistic cooperation between trackers of coupled objects.
In ICIP, 1045-1048, 2004[pdf][abstract]
- Evgeni Magid and Ehud Rivlin.
CautiousBug- a competitive algorithm for sensory-based robot navigation.
In IEEE/RSJ/GI International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems., 3:2757--2762, 2004[pdf][abstract]
- Michael Lifshits, Ehud Rivlin, and Michael Rudzsky.
Image-Based Navigation on a Chip.
In Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2004. IMTC 04., 1:504--509, 2004[pdf][abstract]
- Grigory Begelman, Michael Lifshits, and Ehud Rivlin.
Map-Based Microscope Positioning.
In BMVC, 2004[pdf][abstract]
- Igor Katsman, Ehud Rivlin, and Gadi Katzir.
Visually Guided Behavior in the Praying Mantis: Target Interception and Response to Looming.
In The 7th Intl. Congress of Neuroethology, 2004[abstract]