- Guy Froimovich, Ehud Rivlin, Ilan Shimshoni, and Octavian Soldea.
Efficient Search and Verification for Function Based Classification from Real Range Images.
CVIU, 105:200-217, 2007[pdf][abstract]
- Ronen Lerner, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
Landmark Selection for Task-Oriented Navigation.
IEEE Trans. On Robotics, 23(3), 2007[pdf][abstract]
- Ronen Lerner, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
Landmark Selection for Task-Oriented Navigation.
In Proc. Of the IEEE/RSJ International Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2006[pdf][abstract]
- Amit Adam, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
Robust Fragments-based Tracking using the Integral Histogram.
In CVPR, 2006[pdf][abstract]
- Ilan Shimshoni, Ehud Rivlin, and Octavian Soldea.
Efficient Search and Verification for Function Based Classification from Real Range Images.
In ICPR, 2006[pdf][abstract]
- Alexander Kaplan, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
Robust Feature Matching Across Widely Separated Color Images.
In ICPR (2), 136-139, 2004[pdf][abstract]
- Ehud Rivlin, Ilan Shimshoni, and Evgeny Smolyar.
Image-based robot navigation in unknown indoor environments.
In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems., 3:2736--2742, 2003[pdf][abstract]
- Guy Froimovich, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
Object Classification by Functional Parts.
In 3DPVT, 648-655, 2002[pdf][abstract]
- Guy Froimovich, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
Object Classification by Functional Parts.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on 3{D} Data Processing Visualization and Transmission (3{DPVT}-02), 648--655, 2002[pdf][abstract]
- Amit Adam, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
Towards a Meta Motion Planner A: Model and Framework.
In ICRA, 285-290, 2001[pdf][abstract]
- Amit Adam, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
Towards a Meta Motion Planner B: Algorithm and Applications.
In ICRA, 291-298, 2001[pdf][abstract]
- Amit Adam, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
ROR: Rejection of Outliers by Rotations.
PAMI, 23(1):78-84, 2001[pdf][abstract]
- Amit Adam, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
Computing the Sensory Uncertainty Field of a Vision-based Localization Sensor.
IEEE Trans. On Robotics and Automation, 17(3):258-268, 2001[pdf][abstract]
- Amit Adam, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
On designing meta motion planners A: Model and framework.
In ICRA, 6, 2001[abstract]
- Amit Adam, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
On designing meta motion planners B: Algorithm and applications.
In ICRA, 6, 2001[abstract]
- Amit Adam, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
Using Model-Based Localization with Active Navigation.
In ICPR, 4676-4680, 2000[pdf][abstract]
- Daniel Keren, Ehud Rivlin, Ilan Shimshoni, and Isaac Weiss.
Recognizing 3D Objects Using Tactile Sensing and Curve Invariants.
JMIV, 12(1):5-23, 2000[pdf][abstract]
- Amit Adam, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
Computing the Sensory Uncertainty Field of a Vision-based Localization Sensor.
In ICRA, 2000[abstract]
- Amit Adam, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
Computing the Sensory Uncertainty Field of a Vision-Based Localization Sensor.
In ICRA, 2993-2999, 2000[pdf][abstract]
- Ronen Basri, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
Visual Homing: Surfing on the Epipoles.
International Journal of Computer Vision, 33(2):117-137, 1999[pdf][abstract]
- Ronen Basri, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
Image-Based Robot Navigation Under the Perspective Model.
In ICRA, 2578-2583, 1999[pdf][abstract]
- Ilan Shimshoni, Ronen Basri, and Ehud Rivlin.
A Geometric Interpretation of Weak-Perspective Motion.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 21(3):252-257, 1999[pdf][abstract]
- Daniel Keren, Ehud Rivlin, Ilan Shimshoni, and Isaac Weiss.
Recognizing Surfaces Using Curve Invariants and Differential Properties of Curves and Surfaces.
In ICRA, 3375-3381, 1998[pdf][abstract]
- Ronen Basri, Ehud Rivlin, and Ilan Shimshoni.
Visual Homing: Surfing on the Epipoles.
In ICCV98, 863-869, 1998[pdf][abstract]
- Daniel Keren, Ehud Rivlin, Ilan Shimshoni, and Isaac Weiss.
Recognizing surfaces from 3D curves.
In International Conference on Image Processing, 3:551--555, 1998[pdf][abstract]